AK Bookmobile



Sunday November 27th 12pm-4pm

at the SeedLab
111 W 6th Ave
All Ages*

Learn the basics of 3D modeling using the free online program TinkerCad. Design your own figurine, Christmas ornament, toys, or whatever else you can think of and we'll have them printed for you. The workshop will begin with a short demo in which participants will be walked through the design of a simple 3D model. The rest of the afternoon will be dedicated to creating your own designs. There will be people there to help throughout the whole workshop.

All designs made through these workshops will be printed for free. We will set up a day in December to paint/decorate the models once they come back from the printer. And don’t worry, if you don’t finish your design on Sunday, you can access the program at home for free and can send your finished design to us when you complete it.

*Ages: This workshop is open to all ages including kids, teens, and adults. This said, the process is a bit complicated for younger kids. Anyone under 10 years old should be accompanied by a parent or older sibling that they can work with.

We are running this workshop on a pay what you can basis. Any payment will go towards printing our finished 3D models. If you cannot afford to pay anything that’s totally OK! Select an amount and the quantity of participants you are signing up and you’ll be led to a registration form. We will follow up shortly after receiving your registration. If you have questions please email us at akbookmobile@gmail.com, or call Jimmy at (907)-343-9696.


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