Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) is a statewide environmental health and justice organization established in 1997.

We believe everyone has the right to clean air, clean water, and toxic-free food. Driven by a core belief in environmental justice, ACAT empowers communities to eliminate exposure to toxics through collaborative research, shared science, education, organizing, and advocacy.


Yarducopia is a program of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT), a small non-profit based in Anchorage, Alaska. We promote safe gardening practices through a model system for organic, regenerative, and community based gardening. Yarducopia works directly with members of the Anchorage community to build gardens and reconnect people with their food. We pair homeowners who donate yard space and tools with volunteers who want to learn organic gardening techniques. The produce grown is split between homeowner and volunteers, saving ten percent to be given to a charity of their choice. Through hands-on workshops, Yarducopia builds the skills of Anchorage residents to grow their own food free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Yarducopia online:
