Alaska BookMobile

Photograph by Michael Conti

Instagram: @ak_bookmobile

After retiring from service with the Allegheny Library Association, a classic bookmobile from Pittsburgh made the long trip to Alaska, now calling Anchorage home. With a little love and some planning we’ve put her back in service as a large free library and venue on wheels.

Share your cell # to be added to our text list s we can let you know when and where we are doing drive in movies and other events. Include your email as well if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

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While scouring Anchorage in search of content for the bookmobile, we find all sorts of odd and rare stuff. 50s conspiracy magazines, odd small press comics, pulp novels, local cook books, 80s trading card packs…

For $75 for the year you’ll get sent an arrangement of eclectic stuff sent to to you every other month.


from $5.00

Do you know someone that should make a zine?

Rabbit Rabbit Press and the AK BookMobile want to help people make artist books, print comics, create posters with their message on it, and in all cases get it out into the world. This Item is a contribution to making this happen, but also asks you to put us in contact with someone that you think should get their work out there. After submitting your order, we will reach out to get the contact of your friend and future zine maker.

This service is partially funded by a grant from the the Alaska State Council on the Arts. Our plan is to offer free print and design help to local creatives, while still compensating the artists providing the help. The small grant and funds raised here will pay the production, offsetting costs for the creator that often remove most chances of making any profit off of their work.

Pricing: Add multiples from the amounts below to create a custom total contribution. No shipping will be added to your order for this service.