Jessica Thornton / Cold Front Zine

Jessica (she/her/they) is an artist and community organizer currently living in Dgheyey Kaq' (Anchorage, Alaska).

Her work is inspired by her Finnish heritage and culture, social and environmental justice movements, Arctic flora and fauna, and the unseen, beautiful connections we have to our environment.

She is passionate about the role of art in building narrative strategies in social justice movements. Her art has directly supported communities and coalitions including United Tribes of Bristol Bay and Defend the Sacred AK. 

She works in various mediums including linoprint, screenprint, letterpress, pen and ink and digital art. Her work can be seen and purchased at and on Instagram @jessicathorntondesigns

Cold Front is a collaborative project of Alaska Rising Tide. It is a creative expression of the climate movement in so-called Alaska, and meant to help connect our evolving narrative for justice with people everywhere. Perspectives shared in the first issue span the last several years of experiences, but their lessons remain valuable in our struggles for the future.

Cold Front: Summer 2018


The first issue of this zine that aims to elevate voices from the climate justice movement in Alaska. Proceeds from the sale of Cold Front will go towards producing issue 2.