Rabbit Rabbit Press
A small Risograph print shop and artist book publisher run by Jimmy Riordan.
Website: www.riordanjimmy.com/books
Instagram: @Jimmy_Riordan_RR
Do you know someone that should make a zine?
Rabbit Rabbit Press and the AK BookMobile want to help people make artist books, print comics, create posters with their message on it, and in all cases get it out into the world. This Item is a contribution to making this happen, but also asks you to put us in contact with someone that you think should get their work out there. After submitting your order, we will reach out to get the contact of your friend and future zine maker.
This service is partially funded by a grant from the the Alaska State Council on the Arts. Our plan is to offer free print and design help to local creatives, while still compensating the artists providing the help. The small grant and funds raised here will pay the production, offsetting costs for the creator that often remove most chances of making any profit off of their work.
Pricing: Add multiples from the amounts below to create a custom total contribution. No shipping will be added to your order for this service.
by Jimmy Riordan
A series of short comics looking at the concept of scale free in relationship to the body.
16 pages
Risograph printed
by S Hollis Mickey
Documentation of Hollis Mickey’s Bleigiessen performance, including photographs and text, accompanied by instructions and photographs illustrating how to practice Molybdomancy, a form of fortune telling using molten metal central to Hollis’ performance.
2 color Risograph printing
by Melissa Shaginoff
A selection from a series of memes Melissa Shaganoff has made in response to her time working and studying within art institutions. Addressing her experience as an Alaska Native person, these memes are imagined as handkerchiefs, to dry her tears with, using humor to help her cope with her daily encounters with colonialism, ignorance and stereotyping.
16 pages
Jimmy Riordan’s 2008 amateur translation of Francis Jammes’ turn of the century novel, letterpress printed as part of a participatory project at Zygote Press in Cleveland, OH.
Monotype printed on Mohawk Extra Fine paper. Cover paper handmade specifically for the project at the Morgan Conservatory.
Copies sold bound and unbound. Bound copies are a modified coptic stitch with a soft dust jacket style cover.
by Ashley Friedman, Abby Koocher, Anna Graizbord & Robby Campbell
What if Marvel’s Punisher lived in Frasier’s Seattle? An illustrated work of fan fiction.
20 pages
by Jimmy Riordan
A small trifold comic exploring the failings of memory and a couple Carvel ice cream cakes.
by Anna Raupp
Classic Shaman Pig. If you’ve ever struggled with understanding your place in the world this comic is for you. Collecting all the chapters from Sowsear vol. 1.
24 pages
Spectacular flo pink Risograph printing
Currently Sold Out
by Ryan Romer & Jimmy Riordan
A collection of Ellang’uq(first awareness in Yup’ik), first memories and thoughts on memory transcribed from recorded conversations Ryan Romer and Jimmy Riordan have collected while working on their Home(working title) project around Bethel, AK and the YK Delta. The quotations are accompanied by block prints by Ryan Romer, responding to his own early memories stories told to him over the past year that were not recorded.
What We Eat
The abridged transcript of a panel discussion Riordan organized, on the subject of food as it relates to cultural exchange in Alaska.
Color Study by Christy Powers
A series of artist books collecting photographs and paintings by Christy Powers. Each book is printed using a different selection of colors, serving as color mixing studies for Risograph printing.
Appearing VS. Disappearing
by Brendon Hawking
A self portrait book made in advance of Brendon Hawkins’ 25th birthday, in which he asks himself what it means to exist. Part of Jimmy Riordan and Nina Friedman’s Lift series.
Color Study
by Christy Powers
A series of artist books collecting photographs and paintings by Christy Powers. Each book is printed using a different selection of colors, serving as color mixing studies for Risograph printing.